Talisay Business Permit and Licensing Office 2nd Quarter Report
May 16, 2022
Story by: Joubert Polanco
Talisay BPLO Head

The City of Talisay has registered a historic feat in terms of growth in local revenue generation with cumulative business tax assessments as of the 2nd quarter of the calendar year 2022 amounting to Php68,036,322.82 or a marked increase of Php10,912,421.61 which is 19% higher than the actual business tax collections for the immediate preceding calendar year (CY 2021).
Actual business tax collections as of date have reached Php51,318,399.62 while collectibles for the 3rd and 4th quarters are pegged at Php16,717,923.20. These are the highest figures ever recorded in the City
This is a testament to the continued trust and confidence of business owners and taxpayers in the City's potential as a growing economic hub and viable investment destination.
This is the thrust and wholemark of #gwapongaserbisyo under the leadership of Honorable Mayor Neil E. Lizares lll.
Source: Business Permits and Licensing Office.