TALISAY CITY ADVISORY: social distancing

Due to the ongoing threat and danger pose by CoViD-19, MAYOR NEIL LIZARES reminds all Talisaynons to practice social distancing at the Talisay Public Market and other public establishments.

Talisay City COVID-19 Advisory

Please be advised to follow the following guidelines.

  1. Please do not believe fake news messages that the Talisay Public Market will be closed;
  2. Only 100 persons at a time are allowed entry inside the Talisay Public Market. Plan what to buy, go home right away and practice social distancing inside the market.
  3. We will strictly follow a 1 out, 1 in policy. The same number of 100 persons will always be maintained inside the market;
  4. Persons waiting outside the market are ordered to practice social distancing;
  5. This advisory covers all other public establisments;
  6. Continue to practice proper hygiene such handwashing, cough etiquette, avoid touching of eyes, nose and mouth, wearing of masks, use alcohol to sanitize, etc.;
  7. Senior citizens and sick people are advised to stay at home.

We apologize for the inconvenience and your understanding and cooperation matters at this trying times. We are in these together and we will conquer.