Talisay City Public Information Office (PIO)

What We Do

PIO Talisay is a conduit between the local government of Talisay and its public primarily to inform, educate, disseminate policies, plans and programs of the administration including varied issues that may impact the day-to-day living of every Talisaynon.

Beyond these primary functions is a thrust that PIO Talisay shall responsibly and truthfully translate these policies and plans into comprehensible terms via easily accessible multimedia platforms that facilitate public engagement and participation through which an informed and knowledgeable decision-making of every Talisaynon is achieved.

The accountability of PIO Talisay to its public does not rely merely on what our audience can visibly comprehend rather the free flow of ideas from the elected to the electorate notwithstanding both innate freedom and capacity to make informed choices and objective judgment.

PIO Talisay is committed to an effective, immediate and timely sharing of information with its public for we recognize the ultimate value of time and crucial information which when lost or undelivered may jeopardize lives and security.

This is your Public Information Office, we are doing our utmost best to put across the information you need.

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